Saturday 13 June 2020

Metric Martyrs in Apples

Am I missing something? A cough or a sneeze gets propelled 3 feet, which is approximately 1 metre. Tory backbenchers want the 2m social distance, which is a very sensible distance, reduced to 1m.

Call me old fashioned, but something about this sounds idiotic and ironic to me. We're in Britain,  for God's sake, which is heading (stupidly) toward Brexit with a Brexitish and very nationalistic government - the most nationalistic government in my lifetime - and they're still using metres? Disgraceful!

Heard Trump yesterday saying that wherever you go you will find bad apples. He was talking specifically about the police. He didn't mention, however, presidents.. As far as the Republican Party goes, with one of two notable exceptions, it would seem the entire barrel is rotten...

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