Tuesday 11 May 2021

Cold Comfort

We went away to Bewdley in Worcs on Friday afternoon to meet up with an old friend of ours and do a bit of walking along the Severn over the weekend.

On Saturday I had one of the worst hay fever attacks I've ever had, which lasted all afternoon and evening - it was like powdered glass had been thrown into my eyes. I then awoke on Sunday with a voice like Barry White and a terrible cough, which obviously wasn't anything to do with hay fever.

On Monday morning I was worse, so I took my temperature, but it was normal. I had half a dozen lateral flow Covid test kits spare at home from a trial I was participating in and decided to use one to see whether I'd somehow managed, despite both jabs, to contract Covid - but no, it came up negative.

After over a year of successfully managing to dodge the highly contagious Covid virus, I'd ironically managed to contract a rather nasty, but far less contagious, rhinovirus (common cold) from a work colleague, who in turn got it from his kids (via school), which I had kindly passed on to Hay by Monday afternoon.