Sunday 22 September 2024


Went to Brixham for a long weekend. It's where William of Orange landed at the start of the Glorious Revolution and there's a 19th century statue of him to commemorate the event.

The view over the harbour at night is beautiful and disguises the fact that the place has become a bit run down over the years.

There's a copy of Sir Francis Drake's Golden Hind in the harbour.

Here's some drone footage of the harbour:

The breakwater that protects the harbour is very, very long - over a mile. It took me about 4 or 5 minutes on the bike to reach the end.

Out at Berry Head, Hayley came across this:

Here's a view from the top:

Apparently it's a DVOR station. DVOR stands for Doppler VHF Omnidirectional Range. It is a type of radio navigation system for aircraft that uses the Doppler effect to provide more accurate bearing information compared to the older VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range) system. Pilots use DVOR to determine their direction relative to a ground station, which helps them navigate to or from the station. It operates in the VHF (Very High Frequency) band and is a crucial part of air traffic management and navigation.

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