Friday, 21 October 2022


If I were a contender for the leadership of the Tory Party, I'd only accept the nomination only on the proviso that the leader isn't changed after the next GE and that I'd have a free hand in briefing against the ERG and the Tufton St cabals that have resulted in the destruction of the Conservative Party. 

I'd also seek to isolate the ERG members so they are deselected at the next GE. Only then does the Party have a chance of rebuilding itself.

Any of the 51 plus members of the ERG should be banned from standing as leader, else we're just going to have yet another round of libertarian experimentation.

As for those calling for an immediate GE - the party that has a majority is at liberty to choose whoever it wants as leader, whenever it so wants. Like it or loathe it, that's the democratic mandate that our system is based on. It may not be moral, but it's certainly legal.

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