Friday, 20 December 2024

Spoon Design

After going out for a meal last Sunday, while eating a sticky toffee pudding and trying to scrape the sticky toffee off the plate, it struck me that our traditional spoons are not optimally designed for plate scraping.

Having a curved edge on both sides makes plate scraping impossible, so why on earth don't we have spoons with one side being flat?

The above design makes so much more sense. Time to flash up my grinder.....


Anonymous said...

Why not spoons with one flat side? Because we would then need right-handed and left-handed spoons, bigger drawers to keep them in......

Anonymous said...

If the spoon had the normal curves on both sides but with a flat end than this would be useful for dish scraping but wouldn’t be handed thus saving the need for right and left handed spoons and increased drawer space.

George said...

I've noted the same problem with cups - they all seem to have the handle on the right side. Must be tough for lefties...

Chairman Bill said...

But we have left and right-handed forks in our house.