Thursday, 20 September 2012

A Wife, a Wife, My Kingdom for a Wife

There's a bit of debate over a recently unearthed scrap of papyrus that indicates early Copts thought Jesus had a wife.

Bible scholar Ben Witherington III, a professor in Kentucky, said the term "wife" might simply refer to a female domestic assistant and follower. The man must have a death wish? I'd expect that kind of statement from Mitt (Oops) Romney.

Parsley - what's that all about? Never understood the stuff. Tastes like green carrots and is frankly a waste of time and effort.


Tim said...

Parsley - I always saw it as a foil to the more complex character of Bayleaf (the gardener that is)

Steve Borthwick said...

I bought that same scrap of papyrus in a market in Cairo, except mine is obviously the original.

Oh and parsley rocks, only with fish though.

Alan Burnett said...

They only came across that information by stealing stuff from old graves : a case of Copts and Robbers.

Chairman Bill said...

Alan: OMG (to use the current vernacular)...

Chairman Bill said...

Hideous bit of frippery - the parsley, that is. Oh, and the bible...

Chairman Bill said...

Do you see him as a plot contrivance?

Geo. said...

You weren't referring to Tim Romney the dyslexic sheep by chance?