Thursday, 2 January 2014

The Great Old Sodbury Bakeoff

Apropos of yesterday's post about Paul Hollywood - who by all accounts is trying to smooth things over with Mrs Hollywood following his straying from the path of marital fidelity - I tried a slant on one of his breads yesterday.

Paul does a Roquefort sourdough bread, which is only available through Harrods and sells at the ridiculous price of £15 per half loaf. It's touted as the world's most expensive bread.

Not having any Roquefort to hand, but acres of Stilton left over from Crimbo, I made a Stilton sourdough. I also took the precaution of prooving the dough in the shed to increase the rising time and allow the flavours to develop more fully. It wasn't anywhere as cheesy as I suspected it might be - just the merest hint of Stilton.

Over the Crimbly period I bought an old 1970s Kenwood 901 on eBay, along with gazillions of attachments - one seller was getting rid of a whole treasure trove of bits. I chose the 901 as I'm led to believe they keep going forever and are a fraction of the price of the equivalent KitchedAid Artisan, which looks beautiful but is more a designer lifestyle statement (such that even 2nd hand ones are as expensive as new). Delivery should be any day now.


Alan Burnett said...

I can assure you that Hollywoods' Roquefort bread is not the most expensive in the world, that title goes to the one loaf created in my new bread maker. Happy New Year mate.

Chairman Bill said...

Alan - I fear that until the cost of the Kenwood is amortised, my bread will be quite expensive too.

Happy New Year to you too!

Tim said...

proooove it.........

Chairman Bill said...

Sorry - a rare typo. Proving, or proofing...