Tuesday 14 February 2017

Back to the Wood in Headscarf Prisons

I wasn't aware that Wetherpoon's has been taken over by Punch Taverns...

I've been cultivating a luxurious muostache and BIG beard since before Christmas, but of late it's been getting on my nerves as I  couldn't drink a coffee without the moustache soaking half of it up and then dripping it on whatever I'm wearing. Waxing it and turning it up was one solution, but moustache wax doesn't react well with hot drinks and you just end up where you were before, but with added wax on your shirt front.

Anyhow, I removed the lot yesterday and took my face back down to the wood - or rather a designer stubble that's just a fraction longer than my usual length. The following was overheard:

Hay: "That's better, you look 10 years younger."

Chairman: "Ooh thanks."

Hay: "Yes, you now look 61 instead of 71."

The Chairman is 61. Just as well she's gone off on a business trip and won't be here for Valentine's eve...

She's right though - beards do age one, especially when they're grey.

The Swedish government has defended its decision to have its female officials wear headscarves during a trip to Iran, saying that failing to do so would have broken Iranian law. However, to mollify the protesters, why don't they just get the men in the delegation to wear headscarves too? They could call them turbans.

Overheard on a BBC News item about UK prison overpopulation:

Mark Easton: "Why is it that the prison population has doubled when crime has halved?"

Chairman: "Am I mistaken or wasn't the answer given in the question?"

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