Tuesday 6 November 2018

Road Sense

Well, that's Guy Fawkes Night over - the shops can now concentrate fully on Easter. Christmas, did I hear you say? They've been doing that since before Halloween. 

Why do people put Baby On Board signs on the back of their cars? Do they think I'm less likely to run into the back of them, damage my car and possibly kill myself if I know there's a baby in the car ahead of me? Old people don't put Pensioner On Board in their rear window, but given the way some pensioners drive, perhaps they should. The other day I was overtaken by a pensioner on our local dual carriageway, which has a speed limit of 40mph - he must have been doing 70.

We have a slight bend in the road before reaching our drive when coming from Chipping Sodbury and I always indicate I'm turning right well before the turn, as people race up the main road (which has a 40mph speed limit) without paying attention to the fact there may be stationary cars in the road waiting to turn just beyond the bend. Last night a woman driving a BMW had to slam on the brakes on negotiating the bend and stopped no more than 3 inches from my rear bumper. Perhaps I need a sign in the back of my car saying; "Caution - may occasionally stop to turn".

Over the last 40 years, Hay has had several cars shunt into the back of her outside our drive, as has Hay's dad. Hay's dad now prefers to go past our drive, turn further up the road and approach the drive on the same side of the road as the drive.

1 comment:

GeoffH said...

Sensible chap, Hay's pater