Friday, 18 November 2022

About Face

What I find incredible about the Tory U Turn on Truss and Kwarteng's budget is that there are some 8 ministers within Sunak's government that were also ministers under Truss and, at the time of Kwarteng's budget, they were extolling its virtues. They are now extolling the virtues of exactly the polar opposite. Isn't that a mark of either self-serving opportunism or utter incompetence?

As for Hunt claiming Ukraine and Covid are to blame for the tax increases, what about the £65bn cost to the Bank of England of the Kwarteng budget? What about the OBR's comment that Brexit has adversely affected the UK economy by 15% over the longer term?

That said, the budget did seem quite reasonable, albeit that its necessity is a creation, in great part, of Conservative mismanagement of many issues.

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