Wednesday, 16 November 2022


Given Hay thinks her gut biome has gone all awry since contracting Covid, she decided to dig out the kefir grains that have been in the freezer for well over a year now (if not 2 years) and brew some up. It's meant to help the gut biome and do you the power of good.

Miracle of miracles, it worked perfectly. I thought it would have been dead as a dodo by now. Just 48 hours produced the best kefir yet without any signs of splitting which, although not looking nice, doesn't adversely affect the end result.

What with the sourdough and kefir revived, I'll have to give making homemade Greek yoghurt another try, if I can find some natural, unpasteurised yoghurt at a supermarket as a starter. Non pasteurised yoghurt is becoming more difficult to find in supermarkets.

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