Wednesday 10 May 2023

Fishy Tails

Over the bank holiday weekend, Hay sold some aquarium sand to a bloke who looked like Swampy, but knew everything about fish, having studied them at university. He has a 4m aquarium with some pretty weird fish in it. 

I happened to mention that we had a single koi in our pond, but that Hay refused point blank to put any more in, as she was worried about the effect of fish poo on the ecological balance. He had a look at our pond and opined that another two koi would be a perfect addition, as the plants take up the fish poo and thrive, in turn cleaning the water and creating a virtuous circle.

As it happens, Hay's dad has a small pond with originally contained 4 koi, but two had disappeared (I suspect they were battered and eaten with chips). Additionally, he insisted on using tap water in his pond, resulting it being pea soup from the phosphates and the koi not being very happy at all.

We decided to put Hay's dad's two koi in our pond, but we simply couldn't find them. We spent a whole afternoon dredging the fetid pond for these two fish, but to no avail.

The next day, No.1Son came round and was 100% certain he'd seen at least one. So we tried again and, hey presto, he managed to catch them both. He obviously has better eyesight than me or Hay.

Into the large pond they went. They immediately started swimming gleefully in the deep end, whereas the existing resident, which is two or three times their size, keeps to the vegetation and is rarely seen.

Once they get used to each other, the three of them should start to shoal and explore the entire universe of the pond.

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