Saturday 16 September 2023

Biodegradable Plastic Conundrum

Do people actually look at the plastics they received goods in, or do they just chuck anything that looks like plastic straight into the plastics recycling? I suspect they do the latter, if they recycle at all.

Some plastics are biodegradable, but aren't good for being recycled in your plastics recycling - precisely because they degrade and would render recycled plastics useless if used in large enough quantities. They should be composted or chucked in your normal waste bin. The biodegradable plastics are mainly junk mail wrappers - soft plastics.

I often wonder what will happen when oil runs out and we have the last supertanker filled with crude oil. Will it be used to make medicines, solvents, greases, or will the petrolheads just want to squander it by burning it in an internal combustion engine.

1 comment:

David Boffey said...

"what will happen when oil runs out" Switch back to coal?
"the last supertanker" My first one was a n=massive 38K dwt ! How times have changed.