Sunday 3 September 2023

Shit Food Adverts

Have you noticed that the only food adverts are for shit food? MacDonald's, KFC, Chocomel, crisps, pre-prepared meals, biscuits, etc. Basically any heavily processed shit that will make you gain weight, which in turn will give you diabetes and life-long health problems.

I'm not sure whether a similar study has been done in the UK, but in America a total of 86,099 food and beverage advertisements were classified. Highly processed foods accounted for 45.7% of advertisements, followed by unprocessed/minimally processed foods at 41.2%, moderately processed foods at 8.0%, and basic processed foods at 5.1%.

Real food is cooked from scratch and isn't advertised, as it consists of raw ingredients cooked at home in a myriad ways. Margins are so thin that there's little money in it, so producers can't afford advertising.

Essentially, if it's advertised it's likely to be unhealthy, so leave well alone.

1 comment:

David Boffey said...

Ramen to that.