Monday 27 November 2023

Understanding Boris

Boris is getting a bit of a raw deal in respect of the Covid Inquiry. 

When all's said and done, he obviously had is eyes on the benefits of Covid, which are comparable with the benefits of the Black Death.

Labour Shortage and Higher Wages: The Black Death caused a massive loss of life, leading to a shortage of workers. This increased demand for labour resulted in higher wages for those who survived. This change in the labour market gave workers more negotiating power and improved their economic situation. 

Land Redistribution: The drop in population meant there was more available land. Land prices decreased, allowing many peasants and labourers to acquire land they couldn't before. This redistribution of land helped create a fairer distribution of wealth. 

Technological Advancements: The shortage of labour prompted innovations to compensate. This drive for efficiency led to improvements in farming techniques and technology, positively impacting agriculture in the long term. 

Increased Demand for Skilled Labour: The reduced workforce created a need for skilled workers who could perform specialized tasks. This increased opportunities for craftsmen and artisans, as their expertise became more valuable.

See - Boris foresaw all this when he said; "Let the bodies pile high." He was thinking about the economy AND the survivors. It's simply hope and optimism based on historic reality.

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