Wednesday 28 August 2019


Following hard on the heels of the False Prophet, Boris Johnson and his outrageous claim that the Brexit vote was overwhelming, Andrea Leadsom was on the news last night accusing those parliamentarians who are co-ordinating a strategy to avert a no-deal Brexit through a no confidence motion of being 'undemocratic'.

If votes of no confidence are undemocratic, then the UK has been undemocratic for a very long time. Here is a list of the no confidence motions that have been used in Parliament. A civil war was fought over this very issue and such a cavalier (pun intended) and populist attitude to truth has no place in politics, being nothing more than political gaslighting.

Obviously Leadsome is among the 93% of the UK population that is unaware that Parliament is sovereign - not the government and certainly not the electorate. And this woman is in government, for God's sake. It beggars belief.

Of course she know that; she's cynically engaging in spin on a massive and industrial scale. Emotion has more effect than fact in this post-truth age and she's capitalising on this. Mention the word undemocratic to people who don't understand representative democracy and they foam at the mouth with righteous indignation, while calling anyone who disagrees with their ill-informed opinion a traitor.

There seem to be no lengths the tax dodgers will go to achieve their goal of keeping their stashes hidden from the tax man, because that's what all this is about.

After the franchise was extended, following one of the many Representation of the People Acts in the last and previous centuries, one MP stated in Parliament that, in order to avert a tragedy some time in the future, it would be necessary to initiate a program to educate the increased electorate in parliamentary democracy. Sadly, this never happened. It's about time that democracy, and especially representative democracy, was a mandatory subject at secondary school.

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