Monday 5 August 2019

Waspish Behaviour

I'm not sure why some people dislike wasps so much and are mortally afraid of them. You often see women doing windmills with their arms and flailing at them, managing to achieve nothing more than annoying the poor buggers and being surprised when they get stung.

I took this video of a wasp sharing my cake last Friday.

Hay tried to take a video of a wasp competing with me at cider drinking in Slad yesterday. Little chap was climbing all over my face and specs in order to try and get into the glass, not wishing me the slightest harm. Unfortunately she was too late and he flew off before she could press record.

Horseflies are a different matter - the buggers bite me with no provocation whatsoever, simply because they're hungry. Strangely enough, they leave Hay completely alone.

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