Tuesday 18 August 2020

Railway Kitty

There's a feral cat living in the neighbourhood - he lives somewhere along the railway and so we've nicknamed him Railway Kitty. He's been in the area for about a year.

As you can see from his photo, he's a very scarred bruiser. He's very timid toward humans but doesn't hesitate to pick a fight with our and other local cats. For the last few weeks I've been trying to habituate him to me by feeding him whenever he turns up. 

He used to crouch under a neighbour's car while waiting for me to put food out for him but, of late, he's taken to sitting on the patio table outside our living room doors and staring at me. He still won't come near me, but the distance is slowly decreasing and I can approach to within 5 metres when he's eating before he scarpers.

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