Saturday 27 February 2021

Van Tales

 The van is now fully de-winterised and ready to roll.


A slight flooding incident in the shower room on commissioning the water system and new pump when a pipe popped off, but quickly identified and fixed. 

I've installed the three mini-heaters I bought from Lidl. That's 3 x 600W of heat - only for use on hookup, naturally.

At least we're Covid-free, unless you count this little bugger lurking around the van...

Can't wait till the order comes from above that we can travel once more - this is easily the most Covid-safe form of holidaying.

I've noticed that the price of vans has gone through the roof since we bought this one last year. You can now get something like a 25% premium on these things because of the demand and lack of supply. Glad we bought it when we did.

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