Sunday 5 August 2018

Hipster Dining

You know how certain restaurants have a penchant for using all manner of idiotic receptacles on which to serve your dinner, like roofing slates or dustbin lids? Well, I spotted this measure in a hardware and kitchen shop, which would be great for serving drinks in.

It even has graduations for spirit shot measures. 

I told the shop owner that she was missing out on an opportunity and should be selling these at vastly inflated prices to local, hipster bistros, along with cat food trays in which to serve food - meat in the water side of the dish and vegetables in the cat crunchies side. She could even offer them with the most incongruous and impractical eating utensils, such as a screwdriver and a hammer. A couple of cats' paws would be too cruel.

The shop sold those fat balls for wild birds. I think the bloke behind the counter was offended when I asked him if his fat balls were melting in the hot weather. Hay said it was because of where I laid the stress in the sentence.

Talking of stress, I see Liam Fox is blaming the EU's 'theological stance' on the UK's failure to secure an exit deal, rather than his obsession with cake and eating it. I seem to remember someone saying Brexit means Brexit - it would appear that even the government is now afraid of a hard Brexit. We need a hard Remain if the country isn't to be plunged into chaos that it's not prepared for. We'll soon all be using whatever is on hand to serve as plates and eating utensils for whatever we can find in the way of food.ras

It's hilarious that the Brexit Ultras vilify Carney for saying a hard Brexit is odds-on, accusing him of talking the country down, but they don't bat an eyelid when Liam Fox says exactly the same thing. Seems a no deal Brexit on WTO terms is the worst possible deal after all, despite us being told it was just what we need. I'm fed up with these Brexit lies from the charlatans - more so with the numpties that believe them.

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