Wednesday 28 November 2018


I was brought up to believe that the berries of the yew tree are highly toxic and are to be avoided; however, I switched on the radio yesterday to learn that this is incorrect. The pulp of the yew berry is entirely edible, but what must be avoided is crunching the seed in your mouth, as that is the poisonous bit. Don't crunch it and  it will pass straight through your body with no ill effects, or just spit it out.

The proof is here in The Poisonous Garden website. To quote the pertinent information: "Though the berries are harmless, the seed within is highly toxic. Unbroken it will pass through the body without being digested but if the seed is chewed poisoning can occur with as few as three berries."

When at the Chatsworth House Christmas Market last Friday, someone was selling Christmas wreaths make from real fruits, the purpose being to feed the birds with your wreath. Not only were they spectacularly beautiful, but they served a purpose beyond the usual, merely decorative intention.

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