Saturday 8 July 2023

The Tool for the Job

Ever had the situation where a couple of tools that aren't required immediately, yet are always in your face to the point of annoyance, disappear completely at the very moment you need them?

Our bathroom sink has had a blockage for some time. Hay blamed it on beard hair, whereas I was convinced it was something else. As it transpired, we were both right, as it was a couple of her plastic, tooth flossing things that were stuck in the bottle trap and they were catching all the bead hair. It was horrible.

Anyway, for month now I've been coming across 2 pairs of plier wrenches and a roll of PTFE tape in my toolbox. However, come the small plumbing job, they inexplicably vanished.

It took me half an hour to find one of the plier wrenches - it was under the new rear wing panel of the GT6 on my workbench. What possessed me to leave it there is beyond me. The other wrench has yet to manifest itself. As for the PTFE tape - it has disappeared into the interstices of spacetime and I had to buy 10 rolls from ToolStation.

I'm reading a new book, by the way. It's got a great plot and I highly recommend it.

Now where's that fibreglass matting that has been staring me in the face for the last couple of years?

You know, sometimes I feel quite guilty about posting on social media. Some reading this won't have the perfect life that I portray in my posts....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some of us will have one, to be fair, that is...not plier wrench 😉