Wednesday 16 October 2024


We've had a problem with our underfloor heating installation - it has been turning itself off with alarming regularity.

Hay contacted a company and the boss came round to give an assessment of the problem - he turned up in a top of the range Porsche Cayenne. 

Anyway, I let him into our Engine Room to have a butchers and wanted to latch the door back so it wouldn't blow in the wind - but couldn't.

Some bright spark (aka Hay) had pinned the hinged end upside down so it wouldn't latch...

Anyway, the problem with the ASHP was a blocked filter in the water circuit, which was causing a pressure trip and consequent shutdown. He also pointed out some enhancements that would prevent future problems.

The guy certainly knew what he was talking about and, as an aside, reckoned he could do us a battery system, panels and all the switching gear to divert anything over the 4kW capacity we're limited to on the feed in, for the handsome price of £4k, which isn't bad and would come in handy for charging an electric car.

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