Tuesday 30 October 2018

Teleological Climate Change

Only someone who has been living on the planet Zog will maintain that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. Even climate change deniers have come round to accepting that. However, they refuse to believe that human burning of hydrocarbons and coal causes climate change.

Coal, oil and gas deposits, took millions of years to leach CO2 out of the atmosphere during the Carboniferous Era and fix it in the deposits (unless you're a Young Earth Creationist and believe everything was created 6,000 years ago). Is it logical to sincerely believe that burning the majority of those deposits, and returning that locked in CO2 to the atmosphere, within the space of  300 years or thereabouts isn't going to affect climate?

Isn't it time people grew up? Is it too much to ask people to be more responsible? Isn't it time people stopped being enraged toddlers saying they refuse to do what the adults say?

Just ask any professional gardeners about being able to grow species where it was too cold to grow them within living memory. Just ask farmers in certain regions of the world about drought.

Some climate science deniers believe it's all a conspiracy to get more tax money. If that's so, and more tax is needed, then governments will simply develop another conspiracy to get more tax, so why bleat about it? Nothing stops governments obtaining the tax money they need to keep a country running.

Talking of creationists, they and conspiracy theorists, in general, share something called teleological thinking. Teleology is the belief that things happen for a reason, that the final result is, in fact, the cause. Things happen because they were meant to. Things exist because of the purpose they serve. Conspiracy theorists have an ingrained desire for certainty, as do creationists. It's a cognitive bias. Conspiracy thinking correlates with lack of trust in authorities, lack of acceptance of science, and lack of analytical thinking.

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