Monday, 8 August 2022

Clear and Precise

It would appear the everything Liz Truss says is misinterpreted and requires post statement clarification by acolytes doing the media round.

That is rather strange, when clear communication is one of her election pledges and it's vitally important that a PM engages in precise instructions. To have everything interpreted via supporters certainly isn't ideal. Time was when politicians said exactly what they meant in clear and precise terms.


David Boffey said...

She is the same as numerous people I have encountered on Breitbart, and that seems to be about her level.

RannedomThoughts said...

She's basically Boris in drag: says the first stupid thing that comes into her head and when someone points out the flaws in her ideas/arse-dribble, denies ever having said it. And why not? It worked for him.