I've discovered a slight problem with the programming for the Smart Switch that controls the Air-Source Heat Pump - the weather forecast.
Tuya, which provides the App that I programme to determine whether the ASHP should be on or off, uses a certain weather forecaster, but it's not always completely accurate due to the wide area of forecast coverage. It can be sunny in my home location, but the weather forecast says it's cloudy, resulting in the ASHP not switching off. It would appear the App will only say it's sunny when there's not a single cloud in the sky over a wide area, which is a fairly rare occurrence.
To overcome this, and provide a greater degree of granularity, I've bought a Smart Lux Sensor, which measures the sun's light output at its exact location. Cost - £22. Once I take delivery of it, all I need to so is take some measurements over a week or so and determine the best minimum light level (i.e. solar generation) above which to trigger the ASHP into operation.
The drawback? It isn't scheduled for delivery till between the 3rd and 13th of March.
I do have another mechanism at my disposal - the video camera in the house, but it's indoors and in black and white, which makes it a little hard to determine the degree of sunlight. Also, it's not a Smart device, so manual intervention would be required.
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