Sunday 12 November 2017

Smeared Clooney Trade Show

This thing about porn being found on Damian Green's computer years ago is sounding more and more like a political smear by the dark forces of the Brexit Establishment. They've lost the the economic argument, the intellectual argument - in fact any argument - and they know it, so they're resorting to smearing any Remainers in the cabinet.

The only beneficiaries of Brexit will be a few immensely wealthy people, as more wealth is concentrated into the hands of a few via the City, regulations designed to protect consumers and workers are rolled back and public expenditure comes under increasing pressure, with attendant calls to privatise everything in sight as a solution, with the prime target being the NHS (a surprising number of MPs have links to private healthcare firms). It has finally dawned on the Lincolnshire seafood industry that Brexit will be bad and they're lobbying for Brexit exemption, directly contradicting the Brexit propaganda machine; similarly Cornwall has crops rotting in the fields as there's no-one to harvest them and are also asking for immigration exceptions. Stand by for more smears in the coming weeks and months. Hammond will probably be the next target.

Remembrance Day seems to be becoming increasingly important in the British psyche - more so than ever before. Rather than a quiet contemplation of the senseless loss of life, it's assuming a worrying triumphalist tone. I'm not sure whether much of this is to do with the centenary events around WWI, but of late I've noticed how the fallen from two world wars are being used as unwitting recruits to the Brexit cause.

Jingoistic slogans are appearing on Facebook, such as; "We didn’t fight two world wars for this,"  and; "We saved you Europeans and you owe us." Very few of us alive today actually fought in WWII, so it morphs into; “Our fathers didn’t fight in WWII for this.” My father was in WWII; he didn’t have the luxury of a gun in his hands – he was a sitting target in a Dutch cargo ship and was torpedoed. Nevertheless, he was an ardent pro-European. Just because your father fought in WWII does not mean you speak for all people who fought. They also seem to think Britain beat the Nazis single-handed and forget about the Dutch, Poles, French, Australians, Canadians, Americans, Russians, Balkans, Indians, Norwegians, etc., etc. – a grouping referred to as the Allies.

The EU project was started to tie European nations closer together with trade, hoping to create one bloc, rather than constantly competing powers who went to war every 25 years or so.

To quote Herman Goering: “Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.” Sounds worryingly prescient. 

Harvey Weinstein - whatever happened to i before e, except after c? Not an attractive man, is he, no wonder women are coming out of the woodwork with harassment claims. I wonder if women are queuing up to be sexually harassed by George Clooney?

Off to Amsterdam this afternoon for a marine trade show till Friday, so posts may be somewhat sporadic this week - and very maritime.

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