Sunday 3 November 2019

There Are 3 Paths You can Go By

"I absolutely know that you can bring back the William Webb Ellis cup from Japan in the course of the next few hours," said Boris Johnson yesterday, just before the rugby final. Yet another of his predictions goes up on smoke to join the others and proves to be a lie.

If I'd known before the match that Boris had said this, I could have made a fortune by betting on the opposite happening, as that's par for the Boris course.

On a totally unrelated issue, and one I rarely comment on, the mere fact Führage has split with Johnson makes an absolute mockery of the idea there is only one Brexit. There's Führage's Brexit (or a hard Brexit) and Johnson's Brexit (a less damaging one, but more damaging than the May Brexit, yet still leaving open the possibility of a Führage Brexit). There are probably a myriad in between too.

Brexiteers should have the courage of their convictions and clamour to have a 2nd referendum. The trouble is that they're running scared and know they'd lose. They're making all manner of oxymoronic and logical contortions to claim a democratic vote wouldn't be democratic, yet one made over 3 years ago where lies, misinformation and electoral fraud were rife, is - even though people have demonstrably changed their minds since. A democracy that can't change its mind is no longer a democracy, as one prominent Brexiteer put it so succinctly. Not being able to change your mind smacks of fascism - like having a political party where the Führer can't be removed (aka the Brexit Party Ltd.).

Seems to me there are 3 options - the Führage hard Brexit, the Johnson soft Brexit, and finally Remain, of which there is only one variety. Given the foregoing, those should be the logical choices in a 2nd referendum. It's a natural consequence of Brexiteers not settling on one version of Brexit - and a problem entirely of their own, muddled thinking, not to mention complete ignorance of the consequences of their actions.