Sunday 16 February 2020

Scam Alert

I've just been made aware of a hideous scam. It would seem that the scammers don't focus on one particular demographic, but just about everyone.

The scam in question has been called The Brexit Scam and those perpetrating it are predominantly pubic school educated and quite wealthy. If you voted to Leave the European Union, the chances are you've been swindled by this scam.

Allied to an expanding core of free market fanatics in the Conservative party is a powerful group of globalists and financial traders. Their political ideology is neoliberalism - a worldwide agenda that seeks to deregulate markets and maximise profits for global elites at the expense of working people.

The effect is a growing gap internationally between rich and poor. In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008, mega-rich hedge fund managers and billionaire CEOs are keen to be rid of Brussels and its 'red tape' regulation. Their anti-European political allies, meanwhile, are preparing to corner markets in Asia and South America, whilst expanding Britain's military capacity as a back-up to economic penetration.

Brexit was sold to an unsuspecting public as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to regain sovereignty, control immigration and increase the nation's wealth. But, despite the manifold promises of Brexiteers, economic globalization will lead to growing job insecurity and greater immigration, once British workers are put in direct competition with the huge, poor populations of countries like Brazil, China, Mexico and India.

Increasing 'free market' trade worldwide leaves Britain open to hormone-treated American beef and products made in the sweatshops of the world, against which British workers could never compete, whilst the new planned trade agreements would only accelerate the privatisation of public services. The Brexit Scam agenda is designed only to serve the interests of the wealthy and increasingly powerful 0.1% of the population by initiating a fire sale of UK assets.

There is a rumour that there was massive Russian interference in the Brexit Scam and a report was produced detailing the level of interference; however, dark powers behind the scam are desperate to bury the report and are doing everything to avoid having it published.

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