Tuesday 4 June 2024

3D Chat GPT Update

Wanting to further explore the abilities of Chat GPT in furnishing me with 3D print files all on its own, without me having to master a CAD programme, I asked it to provide me with the Gcode for a Lego brick.

In order to achieve this, it first produced a SCAD file for me to download, for which I had to install a programme called OpenSCAD in order to render and convert the SCAD file into an STL file, which I can then slice and convert to Gcode with the Cura software. No knowledge of CAD is required - it was merely some simple procedural steps.

Its first iteration produced a solid brick with the usual pegs which obviously wasn't functional as a building brick - my instructions weren't precise enough. I then told Chat GPT to amend what it had produced to make a file for a functional brick, but it still didn't get it. I gave it a 3rd go saying I wanted the block to interlock with another.

Here are the results:

Above are the solid block on the left and the 'functional' block in the middle and what was meant to be the interlocking block on the right, seen from the top.

Above are the same blocks, seen from the bottom (a tad difficult to see because of the light). The first block is solid. 

The 'functional' block still isn't functional, as the top buttons have merely been continued downwards, such that it won't interlock. Also, the button extensions are weak, not that they're needed in the first place.

The interlocking block on the right clearly won't interlock. It will take several iterations to get this right, but the capabilities of Chat GPT for 3D printing are interesting.

It would seem that standard shapes aren't a problem - a sphere, square, pyramid, etc., but when the shape gets complex and requires actual modelling is where its limitations come in and it needs an STL file to work on. I asked it for the code for a cat shape and got a pyramid....

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