Saturday 15 June 2024

Optima Recumbent Bike

 Spotted this on Facebook Market:

It's an Optima Recumbent Bike, advertised at £500.

My first thought was; "How the hell do you get going on it?" However, finding a video on YouTube showed it's not as difficult as you might think.

Still not sure I'd like to ride one though. The bloke in the video has the handlebars in the usual position, whereas the one on Facebook has them under the seat.


Anonymous said...

I tried a static recumbent bike at the gym: it's much harder than an ordinary upright bike - for me at least - all the effort comes from the hip flexors.

George said...

I've noted that with their low profile they are less visible in traffic - which could prove dodgy...

Anonymous said...

Absolutely! And because a car behind you can’t see why you are having to dawdle behind one, they overtake dangerously.

Anonymous said...

I thought that about them, have passed a few on the road, and from a truck they are well below the radar so to speak