Wednesday 5 June 2024

Moby Motorhome

Had a go at putting the Mobylette on the motorhome. At 36kg it's well below the 60kg safe capacity.

It fits fine, but it took me and No.2 Son, Bruno, to get it on the bike rack, and Bruno is a strapping 24 year-old (although I had the heavy end). Whether I could get it on and off with just me and Hay is a moot point.

This might be a better method - putting the handlebars over the two wheel rails and strapping up the back end with ratchet straps under the pannier and over the rack's wheel rails. From the photo it doesn't look as if the ground clearance is that large, but it's more than it looks. Of course I'll need to get another set of number plates to put on the Moby, as the Ducato plates are hidden.

The fact the handlebars are locked against the rails means that the scope for the Moby swinging against the back of the Ducato is much reduced and it's fairly rigid. I could feasibly hoist the rear end of the Moby even higher. Additional ratchet straps would make it safe.

A proper motorcycle rack on the back of the Ducato would be brilliant, but the chassis doesn't extend far enough aft to facilitate putting one on.

I suppose I could make a pulley system that attaches to the top of the Ducato and use that to hoist the Moby into place in the normal position. I'll have to think about that.

I did make a couple of 3D printed decals for the fuel tank.

1 comment:

George said...

Obscuring the truck's brake lights could be a legal problem?