Tuesday 21 January 2020

An Important Truth

I believe I've discovered an important and obvious truth. If you're a bloke, what do you buy your Mrs or girlfriend for birthdays, Christmas, Valentine's Day ir anniversaries? If you're a woman, what does your bloke buy you for these same occasions?

I'll bet a pound to a pinch of poo that the answer is flowers, jewellery, perhaps the odd household implement or a decorative item of some description. No bloody wonder women are good at decorating themselves or houses and cleaning things, but have a poor reputation when it comes to being able to fix things - we men have never, ever thought to buy them tools as presents. They simply don't get the chance to hone or show their DIY skills because we men are totally thoughtless. It's so blindingly obvious when you think about it - duh!

I intend to rectify this at the first opportunity and buy Hay a beautiful set of tools, like the one in the image above. I'm certain she'll be overjoyed.


Anonymous said...

Spot on! My daughter really enjoys the tap re-seating tool I gave her.

Steve Borthwick said...

A "pink" tool-set, what more could a girl want... ;)