Sunday, 26 January 2020

Decorous Passports

Overheard while watching a cremation on a film on TV.

Chairman: "I'd prefer to be buried."

Hay: "When would you like that to be?"

We went to Wotton-Under-Edge for a day out yesterday, calling in at a cafe in Tortworth, which had some interesting aeronautical decor hanging on the walls.

That last one is a canopy - would love that in our house. Instead, Hay bought this mirror at an antique shop for the AirBnB room we're busy creating. She haggled a good price, but I still prefer the aircraft canopy.

We were really impressed with these two interesting chairs, but they were beyond our budget - £250 for the pair.

I managed to nab something in a charity shop with which to cover my new passport when the current one expires in August - it's a leather obscenity cover that saves embarrassment when the blue ones come out. Note the writing at the top...

1 comment:

Geo. said...

Canopy definitely has the edge for an 'Air' BnB.
(lucky with the chairs - could have been liable for triggering an epileptic fit ;)