Monday 6 January 2020

Roadkill for the Count

Question: are ethical vegetarians OK with eating roadkill? Sure, roadkill animals are killed, but not intentionally. I can understand that those who simply don't like the taste of meat avoiding meat of any kind, but ethicals avoid the exploitation of animals and it's hard to make the argument that roadkill is exploited - an ethical vegan driving a car could feasibly kill an animal accidentally.

While looking for a suitable image for vegan roadkill, I came across this picture of a dead cabbage on a road.

We've been watching the BBC adaptation of Dracula by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat and can't understand why some people are put off by it. OK, it requires a bit of thinking and perhaps that's what is putting off those who want to be spoon-fed a predictable plot. The Sherlockesque adaptation (the Gatiss and Moffat trademark) was fantastic and a brilliant reimagining of the original story. It was a Bram Stoker tribute act.

The reason I put reimagining in italics will be apparent to one of my readers. Yes, I do have at least one reader...

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