Saturday 15 May 2021

Holiday Washing of Phones

Overheard in the kitchen:

Hay: "Your washing up is atrocious."

Chairman: "I know. I don't know how you actually allow me to do it."

Hay: "Harrumph!"

Also overheard, but in the living room:

Hay: "Badger - could you phone my phone so I can find it?

Chairman, after looking around the room: "Only if you phone mine first, so I can find mine."

I don't know if it's only me, but have you noticed that the anti-lockdowners, who were screaming loudest about lockdowns decimating the UK tourist industry, seem to be the very ones who are desperate to decamp from the UK and holiday in Portugal, Spain, Italy or Greece and don't really give a stuff about the UK tourist industry's parlous state?

We haven't been abroad since 2014, and I can't really see us having a foreign holiday for the long time yet - there's simply too much to see around the UK, and I'll never tire of it. There again, having spent the majority of my working life travelling abroad, it no longer holds any magic for me. The travelling is intensely tiresome, for a start.

I find travelling and holidaying in groups the worst, as it involves lots of compromise, which I don't like when trying to relax.

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