Friday 12 November 2021

Net Zero

Rather than hearing promises about dates for reaching net zero, I do wish leaders would commit to staged deadlines for certain percentages of CO2 reduction. Just saying we'll be net zero by such-and-such a date is an excuse to do nothing now.

Here's a thought to contribute to net zero - switch street lights to LEDs and turn them off after 10pm - that could easily be accomplished within a year. We in the countryside have very little in the way of street lighting and it doesn't hinder us one bit. Cars have headlights and people simply aren't on the streets after 10pm.

Worcestershire Council has slashed its street lighting bill by 56% through a program to switch street lights to LED. Switching them off after 10pm would add to that enormously. Apparently 7 out of 10 councils already do this. On the down side though is a possible rise in accidents.

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