Friday, 10 February 2023

Our Deity

So, the right of the political spectrum is up in arms about the Church of England having a dialogue about whether God is gender neutral. We'll leave alone, for a minute, that Jesus was the epitome of inclusiveness, which is not high on the right wing agenda, and that it's a dialogue, not an edict.

How is it possible for a pangalactic deity to look anything like a corporeal human, let alone a bloke. For God to have made man in His image, God must logically be corporeal, rather like the Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Viking gods. Human, but bigger. Not really what one would expect from an omniscient and omnipotent being that's everywhere in the universe (and other universes) simultaneously.

Then one must consider that humanity evolved in Africa and, if God indeed made man in his own image, then He would be black and certainly not white, which was a later evolution. That reminds me of the old joke; "I have two things to tell you about God, and the first thing is that she's black."

Then we get to The Lord's prayer, which begins with "Our Father," a translation of the word, "abba." But the actual Aramaic transliteration, which is what Jesus spoke, is "Abwoon" which is a blending of "abba (father)" and "woon" (womb), Jesus's recognition of the masculine and feminine source of creation.

Next is the question of whether God even exists. But that depends on what we mean by 'exist'. Something that's in my mind can be said to exist for me, but not for anyone else. I can identify it as I wish - I can identify it as ULEZ Compliant, if I so wish. It's an interesting philosophical debate in its own right.

All human individuals, whether they have an XX, an XY, or an atypical sex chromosome combination, begin development from the same starting point. During early development the gonads of the fetus remain undifferentiated; that is, all fetal genitalia are the same and are phenotypically female. It's why males have nipples - they develop before the Y chromosome kicks into action. Interestingly, male babies are weaker than female babies and have a higher death rate. Female comes first and males are altered females. So much for God created man in His image.

Now for the fact that humanity, for the vast majority of its existence, has been a paternalistic society. Anyone believing they're communicating with the creator of everything in existence would be forgiven if they thought they were talking to a man. If God were actually female, I wouldn't put it past Her to let men believe that.

As Hay said to me; "An omniscient and omnipotent being just couldn't be a man - it would obviously be a multi-tasking woman."


Vaughan said...

God's a woman, who else would hide the "G" spot from men??!!

Philip Van Bergen said...


B said...

God's a woman, who else would put the male "G" spot up his bum.