Monday 4 August 2014

Holiday Aftermath for Parking Fees

We've just spent one week of a 2 week holiday abroad. The final week was meant to be an opportunity to do all manner of jobs around the house that have been waiting for a clear week to get done.

So much for good intentions - I predict, with a high degree of certainty, those jobs will not get done.

Some of the time will be spent preparing my defence against a certain parking company, who have issued me with a court summons for not paying a £2.20 parking fee back in June, despite the fact I did pay (and have a corrobarative statement from a work colleague to support that, as well as an unreceipted expense claim), but never received a ticket from the parking machine. 

They're claiming £175 (a £100 fine and £75 in lawyers' expenses - which will probably climb). I refused to pay their fine and said I'd see them in court. From what I understand, they can only claim back the £2.20 parking fee and cannot issue a fine. I intend to make them disclose the registered ticketed takings from the machine and the actual takings, predicting a discrepancy of £2.20 - or possibly more.

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