Thursday 6 June 2024

Sling It

 Had a go at slinging the Moby under the motorhome bike rack, such that one person can load it.

The key criterion was to spread the weight between the two bike rails.

I first thought I'd use the handlebars to support the bike across the rails, but the rails caught the choke and kill switches, putting far too much pressure on delicate pieces of plastic.

Lifting the bike by the front wheel, I introduced a steel bar between the forks and the frame, resting the bar on the rails. I did it in several stages, but it can be done in one stage.

The steel bar was removed and replaced by ratchet straps around the wheel.

I had thought of hoiking the bike up such that the seat protruded through the rails, which I could then use as an anchorage point; however, the seat was a centimetre or two too wide, so it had to come off. In any case, suspending the bike by the seat would not be safe, as it could slip off under the weight.

Instead I suspended the rear end by the frame, ensuring the weight was spread between the two rails.

Multiple points were available, so I ended up with 3 anchorage points.

Next was stabilising the bike in both the fore and aft direction and athwartships - that wasn't difficult. Putting the seat back on facilitated some stability with a strap around the seat post and there were various other points where it could be secured.

I eventually got it secure, but there's the issue of obscuring the number plate and lights. If I want one person to be able to load the bike, then I needed to spend £120 to £150 on getting a 7 pin lightboard connector installed, which I have arranged for tomorrow through a mobile auto-electrician.

The height of the bike off the ground is adequate - the photos make it look as if the wheels are closer to the deck than they actually are.

1 comment:

Richard Martin said...

Can't you put a number plate in the back window of the van?