Sunday, 12 June 2011

The Sun Has Got His Hat On

Went to a neighbour's summer BBQ last night. By 6pm we'd all retreated indoors so we could divest ourselves of our fleeces. Less than 10 days from the summer solstice and we're wearing fleeces! In the caravan we've lit the fire almost every morning for the last 2 weeks.

As I was delivering the local papers this morning, I was amused by the headline in the News of the World - Ryan Giggs' sister-in-law was complaining that Giggs had made her pregnant, as if she was an innocent bystander in the event.

Having watched Phil the Greek make interviewers squirm this week, I have a renewed respect for the man - the modern, touchy-feely, gushy, self-obsession is not for him. Here is a man who knows what duty and responsibility mean - if only more were like him.


Ms Scarlet said...

I am still wearing a cable knit cardy and a macintosh. I took them off for a brief period in April.

Chairman Bill said...

You wore briefs in April?

Ms Scarlet said...

Indeed, and I am hoping for a knicker moment in July.

Anonymous said...

It's been 16 days of 90+ degree temperature. I'm finally warm from the winter, and no, it's not technically summer yet in Kentucky. - Charlene

Bee said...

It took me a second to figure out who "Phil the Greek" was; probably because I was thinking along the lines of footballers. And yes, there is something endearing about someone who is so uncompromisingly un-pc. Not even a touch of smarmy about Prince Phillip!

As for the weather: I was deeply grateful to get through Sports Day before the rain and hail battered down.