Friday 8 February 2019

Cold, Cat Trap Push-Ups

I bought a pair of these on eBay the other day.

They're overshoes that snap shut around your shoes the second you step on them. I'm fed up of being told off for padding across the floor in muddy shoes. However, I keep thinking I'll arrive home one evening and find a couple of cats trapped inside them - once they close, it takes a certain knack to get them open and flat again.

I've stuck with the cold shower regime of initially standing under the shower as I open the tap before the water warms up, having my shower and then switching to cold for a minute before switching back to warm. My shock response has decreased to the extent I no longer explode into fits of swearing and can endure it quite easily. One drawback, though, is that I'm probably using twice the volume of water I used to. It could possibly save my life should I accidentally fall into cold water during winter - an occurrence with a very low level of probability.

Also persevering with the push-up regime of a set of 50 after my shower, followed by sets of 20 or 30 throughout the day to reach a total of 200 per diem. The effects on my physique are quite pronounced and my moobs have turned into solid pecs. I can't seem to get above the initial 50 though, try as I might - the aim being to be able to do 100 in a single set. Must be an age thing, although I'm pretty impressed with going from being able to just about do 13 to being able to do 50 in one go.


GeoffH said...

Careful there or you'll do yourself a mischief

Jem said...

Know it's an old one (told you I had some catching up to do) but if you're still struggling to get past 50 push-ups, do 50 as normal and then do as many as you can on an incline - i.e. using a chair (that won't slide out from under you) or table. Incline push-ups are slightly easier which will further develop the chest muscles/triceps and before long you should be able to do more regular push-ups.