The bike has been reassembled with all the replacement mechanical parts and now is just waiting for the replacement fairing panels to be sprayed - and gathering dust.
Given it is winter, my tame repair man was told there was no hurry, as I wouldn't be riding it till the warmer weather set in, so he's doing the job at his leisure at mates' rates. The paint, however, was a nightmare to source. Being pearlised, it's impossible for him to replicate it with his mixing kit and I had to source it from a specialist - £97 for just a litre of Lightning Yellow.
I'm thinking of getting him to spray a helmet in the same colour. Once upon a time it was not possible to spray helmets as the paint could weaken the plastic, but with modern, water-based paints it's eminently possible. I thought of adding some black Triumph Daytona decals to the helmet, but since buying a replacement set from Australia on eBay, they no longer seem to be available in black. Not a problem, however, as I won't be using all the decals I bought; those for the right hand side and those for the tank won't be used and will be spare, so a Triumph logo on either side of a Lightning Yellow helmet is a distinct possibility.
Near to the spray shop is a cafe called Mrs G's. I keep meaning to call in and get her to offer set meals called 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G, which could be differing mixes of eggs, bacon, beans, black pudding and sausages...
Why did you have to rebuild the bike?
One side came into contact with the road and slid along for about 50 feet.
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