Friday 1 December 2023

Culture & Consequences

Trawling thought Twitter, I keep being presented with posts from far right nutters. It's obviously the algorithm at work, feeding me more of what I interact with when in Nexus 6 Nutter Combat Mode.

There is an inherent contradiction between the anti-immigration stance of the far right and the unintended consequences of their support for Brexit. 

Their opposition to Freedom of Movement for people from similar cultural backgrounds has led to a labour shortage, necessitating the recruitment of workers from different cultures - in many cases, very different cultures. This influx of diverse cultures, which they oppose, is a direct result of their own actions. 

The far right's proposed solution of employing more native Brits in these predominantly healthcare sector jobs is impractical due to the low wages offered and the limited availability of British workers in these fields. The low unemployment rate further underscores the challenge of filling these positions. 

To attract native Brits to these jobs, substantial wage increases would be necessary. However, this would require tax hikes, a measure that the far right also opposes. This creates a paradoxical situation where their desired solution to the labour shortage and mass immigration contradicts their economic beliefs. 

This effectively demonstrates the far right's inability to grasp the complex interdependencies of their actions and their desired outcomes. Their anti-immigration stance, coupled with their resistance to tax increases, has created a self-inflicted dilemma, leaving them with no viable solutions to the labour shortage they lament.

The government seems to want to import foreign labour on even lower wages than the current wages, or force disabled people into low paid jobs for which they're entirely unsuited. If genuinely disabled they can't physically do the jobs and, if swinging the lead, they're not the type of people who the job requires.

When a Brexiteer next tells you that if you love the EU so much, you should go and live in the EU, simply remind them that you can't, because they robbed you of Freedom of Movement. The numpties are stuck with you until such time as there's another referendum, which there will be, and it's entirely their fault, which they didn't foresee.

We live in interesting times of mass self-delusion, cognitive dissonance and the inability to see consequences of actions.

1 comment:

RannedomThoughts said...

"We're doomed". Said in a Scottish accent.