Saturday 3 August 2024

Tommy Robinson in a Suit

Farage is doing his usual Oswald Mosley tribute act and asking why stabbings can't be policed, intimating there's a failure of policing in the UK and, obliquely, blaming immigrants. John Christie, Peter Sutcliffe, Dennis Nilsen, Fred West, Rosemary West, Harold Shipman, Ian Brady, Myra Hindley, Graham Young, Mary Bell, Robert Thompson, Jon Venables, Colin Ireland, Beverley Allitt, Robert Black, Stephen Griffiths, Levi Bellfield, Joanna Dennehy, Lucy Letby, Steve Wright and Mark Bridger weren't immigrants. Mental instability does not recognise ethnicity nor colour.

Let's analyse the differences between stabbings and riots.

Detecting and policing individual or mass stabbings by one individual is more challenging than managing riots due to several inherent differences. Stabbings are typically covert acts, occurring quickly and often without warning in private or crowded settings, making them difficult to anticipate and prevent. Unlike riots, which are large-scale public events that draw significant attention, stabbings can happen without the attacker drawing immediate attention. The unpredictability and spontaneity of stabbings, combined with the fact that solo attackers do not need to communicate or coordinate with others, make it harder for law enforcement to gather intelligence beforehand and intervene in real time.

On the other hand, riots are public and overt events involving large groups, which are easier for law enforcement to detect and manage. Riots often stem from known social tensions or events, allowing authorities to anticipate potential flashpoints and deploy preventative measures. The scale and duration of riots allow for a visible police presence, which can deter and manage the situation more effectively. Moreover, the collective nature of riots involves communication and coordination among participants, via social media, providing more opportunities for early detection through intelligence efforts. In summary, the covert and unpredictable nature of stabbings makes them more challenging to prevent, while the visibility and scale of riots allow for more straightforward detection and management by law enforcement.

Farage is merely engaged in stirring things up, without offering a single, logical, workable solution. One solution would be to monitor every single person's on-line transactions, but I'd bet a pound to a pinch of poo that Farage and his numbskull acolytes would resist this as an invasion of privacy, as well as exposing his nefarious activities to the police and tax authorities.

As for the social media companies - they're not the least bit interested in policing the content of their platforms. Every click produces revenue and profit. "Nothing must interfere with profit," is the maxim of the social media moghul.

However, government can step in by mandating, as a condition of a licence to operate, an independent body to which posts accused of instigating violent behaviour or misinformation can be forwarded by users for action. That independent body's decision would be final and it would have the technology necessary to delete offending posts and ban offending accounts. It's a form of self-policing by the users themselves. Democratic policing.

The above, if you use your brain, is self-evident; however, Farage also knows this (he's not an idiot, as many mistakenly think he is), but he has a vested interest in stirring up division, as it's his chosen modus operandi for gaining support. He goads the racists and dull of thinking while infuriating the anti-racists. He carefully modulates his pronouncements so he can't be directly accused of racism, but he facilitates and inflames the racism of others.

The irony of the rioting is that the rioters are just as likely to beat an innocent Muslim to death as the Southport killer was likely of stabbing children. They exhibit the ideological traits of jihadists - white supremacist jihadists. I'm certain they would prefer to describe themselves as crusaders rather than jihadists; however, the crusaders were devout Christians, whereas the rioters are devoid of any religion.

Pre-War Germany had its Hitler and the Jews to blame for everything; present day Britain has Farage and Robinson and the Muslims. Expect a Kristallnacht.


David Boffey said...

Very true.

David Boffey said...

“whereas the rioters are devoid of any religion.” Many of the rioting and alt-right fraternity consider themselves Christian, it’s a pre-requisite for most white supremacists, Islamophobes, racists, ‘patriots’ et al, viz. Christofascism. The fundamentalist Christian Voice, for example, is full of praise for Farage.
Farage himself stated Western Civilisation is “under attack” from “within”.
and “the biggest threat we face is the fifth column in all our countries that is attempting to destroy the family unit, Judeo-Christian Culture”.“Our children are being indoctrinated. Our universities have become madrassas of Marxism, and it needs to change,”

Anonymous said...

They've never set foot on a church.

David Boffey said...

"They've never set foot on a church" I think you'll find they have.