Wednesday 15 June 2016

Dyson Brexit II

I was talking yesterday to someone who works in the vacuum cleaner market who provided an insight into Dyson's reason for wanting to leave the EU. Apparently the Dyson vacuum cleaner doesn't perform as well as other manufacturers' products on carpet - hence his need for power levels above those stipulated by the EU. However, you'd think he's still need to adhere to those power levels for sales into the EU post Brexit. There again, the far east is a much larger market than the EU.

I find it somewhat ironic that the Exit campaign uses the Union flag as its totem.

The inconsistency is breathtaking.

Interesting programme on Radio 4 yesterday morning, The Human Zoo, which explains the psychology of how we make decisions that we think we've reached through a process of logical analysis. In the vast majority of cases, the decision is made subconsciously and we only rationalise that decision post hoc, scrabbling to justify it by any means possible and seeking out only the information that supports our bias. One part was about the Brexit referendum.

As a fence sitter prior 2016, I like to think I reached my conclusion on the basis of research and rational analysis - hence my 4 page dissertation as to why I believe we should remain - but there again, it could just be confirmation bias. It was written to aid the decision process, analysing each argument in turn. In my efforts to debate the issue with people who have made the decision to leave, I've found it impossible to persuade them with logic - they've made a decision and simply refuse to engage with evidence to the contrary. It's almost like religion or political affiliation (perhaps not so much politics, as I'm sure there are many, like me, whose political affiliations are fluid and based on manifesto promises, not just a blind party allegiance - I have voted for all 3 main parties during my life, most recently the centre).

As I see it, the arguments boil down to 3 issues - two on the Brexit side and one on the Remain side:

  1. Immigration,
  2. Sovereignty, and
  3. The economy.
Immigration is a problem, but not insurmountable - it's also a consequence of poor UK policy in the middle east, so partly of our making, yet we don't want to be involved in the consequences. Pull up the drawbridge and let others cope with it. Not an adult reaction.

Sovereignty is a red. herring. How one can mention sovereignty when we have an unelected House of Lords and when just 24% of the population voted for the current government amazes me. If there was full democracy in the EU it WOULD be a superstate - just what the Brexit camp are arguing against.

The economy affects all of us, and it's statistically inevitable that there will be a period of recession. As I said in my diatribe, while it's impossible to forecast interest rates and currency exchange rates with pinpoint accuracy, it's a much easier prospect to forecast market reaction to a stimulus. 


A Heron's View said...

If you had a Dyson you would not be talking such a load of TWADDLE.

On other matters I agree with you.

Chairman Bill said...


And there are others.

A Heron's View said...

I write from experience and not from an out of date report.
For we have a Dyson and it cleans our carpets far more efficiently than any of the vacuum cleaners that we had purchased.

A Heron's View said...

Well we have a deep pile carpets and over the years I purchased a wide variety of vacuum cleaners and it is only the Dyson that has done a thoroughly good job of cleaning them. Other products that I have used are the Dyson hand driers onboard the ferries and in some Irish hotels. Ever used them yourself ?

Chairman Bill said...

If I'm honest, one of those driers (and there are others now on the market) are an encouragement to me to was my hands! Can't resist them.

A Heron's View said...

:-) :-))))

Chairman Bill said...

Sometimes I just go into a loo with one solely to wash my hands and dry them. It's geeky.