The bike is nearly ready - just a mirror and a few fairing clips to find. Manged to obtain what must be the only original mirror in Europe from a Belgian eBay seller and Triumph still make the original fairing clips. The postage on the mirror from Belgium is as much as the mirror itself, but it's worth it.
That said, I spotted a small, star-shaped crack in the fairing on the starboard side of the bike yesterday, which I'm certain was not there when it was delivered to the paint shop. So that has to be repaired and sprayed too.
That said, I spotted a small, star-shaped crack in the fairing on the starboard side of the bike yesterday, which I'm certain was not there when it was delivered to the paint shop. So that has to be repaired and sprayed too.
Won't be long before I'm on the road again - late April or May, I think, will be the best time.
I was going to have my helmet painted the same colour as the bike but, 1) it's too intricate and, 2) I noticed a tiny crack in the helmet face guard from the accident when inspecting it yesterday, so it's going to have to be a new helmet, which is quite close to the bike colour anyway.
Yesterday I gripped the throttle with the damaged thumb and it's no hindrance to operating the bike.
The only hindrance will be Hayley, who is keen on me selling it...
So the press-up routine is so that you can hold a bike upright....? ;-)
If Hayley wins put me down for first refusal.
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