Sunday 21 June 2020

Bottled Boris

I came across the strangest thing the other day. I noticed a Facebook page that seemed to be dedicated to Boris Johnson . Whether it's his personal Facebook page or a tribute act, I don't know. However, it showed a photo of Boris with a birthday cake (below).

Now, Boris' birthday is the 24th of July, not the 19th June, as any cursory search will confirm - unless he's taken to having an official birthday - and the story behind the photo is nothing whatsoever to do with his birthday. Yet those jumping on the page assumed it was indeed his birthday (Boris supporters are apt to jump to unwarranted conclusions, such as him being brilliant) and the page was littered with gushing, fawning and sycophantic birthday wishes to Boris - and here's the strange thing - they were all from women. Admittedly women who are very confused as to when his birthday is and couldn't be arsed to read the story behind the image but, nevertheless, 100% women.

The comments ranged from the utterly deranged (like he's the best PM ever) to the knicker-waving, hysterical type that are more suited to a youthful rock god. He was advised 'not to listen to the negativity' - i.e. the observed facts of reality, from the utter fiasco of the tracing App to his inept mismanagement of Brexit and his dire handling of the C-19 crisis (including Durhamgate), resulting in more deaths than anywhere else in Europe.

If that's the measure of him being the best PM ever, then the bar must be pretty low. Even Anthony Eden, acknowledged to be the worst PM in history, was the epitome of professionalism in comparison to Johnson, who is such a good PM that even his own party is now coming to the late realisation that he is a liability and has to go - soon.

What is this hold Boris has over women? Even his Wiki page lists the number of children he has as a rather vague 'at least 6' - a rather unique distinction usually reserved for those with a reputation for what is colloquially referred to as 'putting it about a bit'. Even Mick Jagger knows how many kids he has (8).

Is it that he's seen as dangerous bad boy, which some women are attracted to? He's certainly dangerous, but more in the manner of a Frank Spencer from Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em, rather than a rakish Capt. Jack Sparrow. Do they perhaps simply want to look after him like a son? There is a certain validity in the latter observation, as mothers are notorious for being blind to the failings of their children.

Boris is cut from the same cloth as Trump, but without Trump's streak of narcissistic nastiness. Boris's strategy is to display the disarming and buffoon-like charm of a circus clown. Both, however, are terminally incompetent and their administrations are no more professional or competent than governments run by 5 year olds.

Whatever is it that attracts women to Boris, he should bottle it.

1 comment:

Steve Borthwick said...

Money, power, accent and money...