Thursday 25 June 2020

Unreasonable Behaviour

Proving unreasonable behaviour in a divorce case can be quite difficult, unless you're Melania Trump. All she has to do is present Donald's collected Tweets.

So, within a few days we'll be fully operational as a country again - no new normal, but the bad old normal. The virus hasn't gone, it has merely been attenuated by the summer and most people have been careful.

Come the seasonal flu period in October, it will be back with a vengeance and we'll have the 2nd spike ripping through the Darwin Award people. Remember that the epidemic in the UK started with just one person - although some scientists reckon it was some 1,300 people who brought it into the country, which is even more alarming in some respects.

I bloody well hope the government has learned something from the last 6 months, but I somehow doubt it if past experience is anything to go by - I have learned plenty about the government and its priorities.

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