Friday, 19 June 2020

Connecting Performance

America has the highest use of antibiotics and hormones in meat production in the world. I often wonder if this is the reason a lot of their athletes tend to fail performance-enhancing hormone tests.

Are you on Linked-In? I'm constantly annoyed by notifications of people's work anniversaries and invitations to congratulate them. You don't even have to construct your own congratulatory message - they're pre-prepared for you. I get bombarded with the damned things on various anniversaries. Mind you, these days you're lucky to have lasted a year with one company, so I guess it's reason to celebrate. 

I get particularly annoyed by people, with no discernible link to me whatsoever, asking for me to connect with them on Linked-In and not providing a reason why. It's like collecting contacts is a competitive sport.

Have you noticed how Facebook hardly has anyone under 40 on it? Seems it has been taken over by old gits like me, whingeing on about how the country has gone to the dogs (which it has), their pet hates (I have several), their aches and pains (not me) or obvious fake news (Trump and Boris supporters). Also, the adverts have gone exponential. It's almost impossible to find any original thought on Facebook now. No wonder the youngsters have abandoned it. Whatever happened to photos of people's dinners, their pets and parties?

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